Kingston Town Meats is a business operating in the State Of Tasmania and in the Country of Australia.

Disclaimer of Liability and Warranties
While Kingston Town Meats ensures the optimal performance of the site, you agree that you use this site at your own risk. You acknowledge that Kingston Town Meats is not liable for any delays, inaccuracies, failures, errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, viruses, communication line failure or damage to your computer system or network.

Kingston Town Meats reserves the right to change, add or remove any material in or from the website without notice.

Kingston Town Meats reserves the right to immediately terminate your use of, or access to, this site at any time if Kingston Town Meats decides at its sole discretion that you have breached this agreement or any relevant rule or regulation or you have engaged in conduct that Kingston Town Meats considers as inappropriate or unacceptable.

Dispatch & Delivery

Dispatch & Delivery is every Thursday, please check the dispatch & delivery page for further information. Orders are normally dispatched & delivered anytime between 10am and 4pm. A correct home or work address must be provided in order for the product to arrive in the freshest condition. Incorrect addresses will see product returned to store and the purchaser will have to make arrangements to obtain the product.

Kingston Town Meats endeavours to meet your order within a specific time frame however issues do arise from time to time. Purchasers will be informed if their order cannot be fulfilled and alternative arrangements put in place.

Once an order has been placed with Kingston Town Meats and paid for this is final. Kingston Town Meats cannot reclaim the order from there.

Kingston Town Meats reserves the right to change, add or remove any material in or from the website without notice.

Kingston Town Meats will endeavour to meet all customers’ needs. Refunds will be granted if:

  • The product ordered is not the product received.
  • There is a safety concern with the product.
  • The product has been delivered in a poor state (this to be confirmed by a representative of Kingston Town Meats).
  • The product fails to be delivered on the appropriate date and the purchaser cannot make an alternative arrangement.